We are so pleased to share a link to yesterday’s The New York Times, and the article “When It Comes to Donating Money, Whom Do You Trust?” The piece begins with Deborah Sills Iarussi of the Sills Family Foundation sharing a behind-the-scenes look at some of the challenges often inherent in the drive to make one’s mark. Next referencing The Philanthropic Initiative’s work in helping the family set meaningful goals tied to their unique purpose, author Ann Carrns continues with several illustrations of how, when the process of ramping up is managed strategically, powerful outcomes are indeed possible. The story includes tips from our good friend Henry Berman of Exponent Philanthropy for donors wading into this landscape, as well.
TPI is thrilled not only to be a part of this story, but that this subject is receiving a spotlight in this edition’s Wealth section alongside other stories of interest to high-impact donors. As you, our friends, know, our team is committed to the listening and the creative partnerships that amplify the effectiveness of our clients, empowering them to think big, act boldly, and give wisely. We hope you enjoy the story and join us in cheering on the higher profile that wise philanthropic investing is receiving in such critical times.