The World We Want, authored by TPI Founder Peter Karoff, presents a collective vision of an ideal world through conversations with more than forty social entrepreneurs, activists, nonprofit leaders, and philanthropists.
The World We Want, authored by TPI Founder Peter Karoff, presents a collective vision of an ideal world. By sharing his experiences and through conversations with more than forty social entrepreneurs, activists, nonprofit leaders, and philanthropists who are changing notions of ‘the human condition’ in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and North America, he describes how new partnerships and approaches are reducing suffering and gaining greater equity for people everywhere. These visionaries are engaged in a struggle of sorts, and that conscious engagement—’the shoulder to the wheel’—is a fundamental part of the world they want.
The book weaves to gether multi-sector, multidiscipline strategies, but—in large part—it is about the power of human connection, reinforced by personal stories of motivation and the human capacity for caring. Without ignoring the institutional and cultural obstacles, and the courage needed to face down the dark side of human behavior, Karoff shows how citizen engagement and open source solutions could tip the scale toward a better world.
Conversations with
John Abele, Henry Becton, Dave Bergholz, Lucy Bernholz, Angelica Berrie, Deepak Bhargava, Allen Bildner, Alan Broadbent, Bob Buford, Emmett Carson, Steve Case, Elyse Cherry, Phil Cubeta, Bill Drayton, Peggy Dulany, Rory Francisco-Tolentino, Bob Hohler, Rob Hollister, John Isaacson, Henry Izumizaki, Alan Khazei, Marcos Kisil, Martin Lehfeldt, Margaret Leonard, Leslie Lilly, Ted Mallon, Melinda Marble, Cora Marret, Stephen Melville, Jack Murrah, Jim O’Connell, Pierre Omidyar, Jono Quick, Shirley Strong, Tom Tierney, Priya Viswanath, Peter White, and Chad Wick.
About the Authors
Peter Karoff founded the Philanthropic Initiative (TPI) to help donors increase the impact of their philanthropy and at the same time make “giving” more meaningful in their own lives.
Jane Maddox served as an editor and writer at TPI and has worked with public agencies, companies, and nonprofits in communicating their missions, programs, and ideas.
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