The war in Ukraine, as with other conflicts around the globe, has triggered a cascade of crises around which philanthropy can play a critical role. Since the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, more than 2 million people, mostly children, women, and the elderly, have fled Ukraine, making this the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II. Millions more are either internally displaced or living in increasingly dire circumstances with medicines, hygienic supplies, and even food beginning to run out. Targeted funds and other support opportunities are being established to help supply food, shelter, transportation, healthcare, communication support, and security for those who choose to remain or who cannot travel, as well as for refugees. Funding is equally needed for issues with long-term horizons, such as advocacy and the protection and support of democracy, independent journalism, free speech, and civil society.
The desire to act quickly is universal, often matched by uncertainty as to how to choose the best ways to respond. TPI’s Center for Global Philanthropy put together this resource page to guide funders through the self-education and decision-making processes quickly. In addition, the blog post Philanthropy’s Critical Role in the Crisis in Ukraine helps guide funders in narrowing down how to be most useful in response to humanitarian crises.
Please note that the following list is a compilation of nonprofit, NGO, and governmental resources by which leaders in the global aid community are educating themselves as the crisis evolves and through which they are directing general crisis response support or specific humanitarian aid. This list is evolving. Please contact Jennifer Montone if you see or hear of other helpful resources.
Originally published on March 9, 2022.