Do your internal operations support your philanthropy?
Our experience in board development and governance is deep, including work with hundreds of family, private, community, and corporate philanthropies. Strong governance and culture can play a major role in guiding and supporting effective philanthropic strategies and impact. Often our clients undertake this work during a significant transition, such as a shift in leadership, a new strategic direction, or an increase in assets. We can help you develop governance structures, policies, trustee handbooks, leadership succession plans, board member and committee recruitment plans, and more.
For many TPI clients, fundamental governance issues can include succession planning, engaging younger generations or other key stakeholders, creating policies and structures that offer flexibility and varying roles, clarifying roles of board and staff, or addressing other challenges. We can help you create a plan and timeline for engaging rising generations or other stakeholders; facilitate planning meetings or retreats to help navigate challenging dynamics and new perspectives; lead a board self-assessment process to identify strengths, concerns, and areas for improvement; develop policies and board orientation processes; and train and coach board members on grantmaking, governance, evaluation, and philanthropic best practices.