“Innovations in International Philanthropy” Symposium Early Registration Closing June 30

Boston, MA (June 20, 2018) – Philanthropists seeking to increase capacity and impact on international issues will gather September 6 and 7, 2018 at the Boston Foundation and the Samberg Conference Center at MIT for the 2018 Innovations in International Philanthropy Symposium. Hosted by New England International Donors (NEID) and The Philanthropic Initiative’s Center for Global Philanthropy, the event will provide individuals, families, corporate funders, independent and community foundations, and impact investors a place to network, learn about relevant trends and opportunities for collaboration, and gain practical, hands-on skills to increase the impact of their international giving. In addition to thought-provoking keynote addresses, the Symposium will offer 12 skill-building workshops on a variety of subjects including ramping up your international philanthropy, doing impact investing effectively, applying system’s thinking to your philanthropy, introducing gender-lens giving, scaling organizations through philanthropy, building a culture of engagement in global companies, empowering community foundations to support their international donors, and more. Funders and investors of all types are encouraged to register within the Early Bird Registration timeframe ending June 30 to take advantage of best pricing. Event and registration details are at www.innovatephilanthropy.org.
Keynote speakers include Gururaj “Desh” Deshpande, founder of the Deshpande Foundation, and Raj Panjabi, co-founder and CEO of Last Mile Health. Workshop leaders include key executives from Acumen, Council on Foundations, Dietel & Partners, Disability Rights Fund and Disability Rights Advocacy Fund, Imago Dei Fund, New England International Donors, Next Mile Project, The Omidyar Group, The Philanthropic Initiative, and the Segal Family Foundation. Sponsors to date include the Boston Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Deshpande Foundation, BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Ropes & Gray, and Veris Wealth Partners, with the Advisory Committee consisting of the chief executives of American Grantmakers, the Boston Foundation, Council on Foundations, Global Philanthropy Forum, United Philanthropy Forum, and Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS).