When TPI launched the Invest for Better (IFB) initiative more than three years ago, we imagined it would be a time-limited campaign to motivate and educate women to activate their investment assets – personal and philanthropic – to help build a better world. It was a collaborative effort, undertaken with wonderful partners such as Mission Investors Exchange, Mission Throttle, the Case Foundation, and a steering committee of field leaders, intended to accelerate and shape the ecosystem of values-aligned and impact investing. As it became clear that the signature strategy of volunteer-led Invest for Better Circles not only had tremendous traction but really worked (i.e., women were moving money and demanding system change), we started to think bigger and longer term.
We are excited to announce that after years of incubation at TPI, the new Invest for Better is becoming an independent nonprofit!
As co-founder of the “new” Invest for Better, I have joined forces with Janine Firpo, author of Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World and we are incorporating Janine’s practical, how-to content into the Invest for Better curriculum. We will continue to build and support cohorts of Invest for Better Circles – with new and improved resources – and will launch a membership program with a suite of services and programs for women who want to dive deeper into specific themes or areas, connect with others who share their interests, and learn from Invest for Better’s Pathfinder experts.
Invest for Better’s new website is launching today, September 30th, so check it out!
TPI is proud of its history successfully incubating social enterprises and private foundations that are looking for a supportive and like-minded partner in their formative stages. New England International Donors (NEID), Social Venture Partners (SVP) Boston, Funders Together to End Homelessness, and the Institute for Nonprofit Practice (INP) all grew up and out of TPI over the years, along with many foundations that were originally staffed by TPI. We believe that this field-building role is not only critical to our mission, but also helps us connect our philanthropic clients to the broader and highly innovative ecosystem of social change.
So, keep an eye on Invest for Better as we continue to grow. The IFB community is driving a movement that brings women together as a powerful collective force that has the courage to do things differently. Together, we are finding joy and getting great returns while investing in a better world.