Are you ready to further your impact?

Foundations and philanthropic entities come in many forms. Whether you are involved with an independent foundation, community foundation, corporate foundation, family foundation, funder collaborative, or network of donors, we can help you develop strategies, engage stakeholders, build relationships, go deep on issues, assess successes and challenges, ramp up and increase your impact, or take your efforts to the next level in other ways.

Realize Your Vision

Foundations have an important role to play in the philanthropic landscape and we understand that each foundation is unique in how it defines its mission, goals, strategies, and so much more. Family foundations, community foundations, corporate foundations, independent foundations, and others each have their own sets of complexities and challenges. Funder collaboratives, networks, and other philanthropies provide unique opportunities as well. Whether you’re focused on particular geographies, issues, or approaches, we can help you increase your impact.

Want to revamp a strategic plan? Determine if a program is working as planned? Engage key stakeholders? Convene a group of key players to increase impact? Center equity and inclusion in your work? Explore tools and strategies to accelerate progress towards specific goals? We can help you be a smarter and more effective funder and partner as you work to realize your vision for the world.

Learn more about TPI’s work with community foundations.


  • Develop, refine, or revise a strategic plan
  • Conduct research on social issues and interest areas
  • Design innovative programmatic initiatives
  • Engage stakeholders and forge new partnerships
  • Manage grants programs and other philanthropic initiatives
  • Develop and implement evaluation frameworks
  • Assess programmatic, operational, and governance effectiveness
  • Involve and train trustees and other stakeholders
  • Provide ongoing coaching and support to trustees and staff

“I’ve been involved in many organizational strategic plans in my career. I know they can be a slog – uninteresting, uninspiring, and lacking strategic vision. And I’ve been part of producing plans that are so dense that they are not useful. The experience with TPI was different – enjoyable, inspiring, and eminently useful to the organization.”

Rob Fowler, Board of Directors, Michigan Health Endowment Fund